Tag Archives: University

It’s OK not to be OK

I have felt incredibly stressed over the last few weeks. My anxiety levels have been through the roof, evidenced by physical symptoms and the sharp increase in my use of diazepam. My mood has also suffered, evidenced by an increase in the time I’m spending asleep and/or laying down, lack of motivation to do things […]


Well today it is my birthday although in less than an hour it will be over. I got a lot more cards and presents than I was expecting. I think once I turned 16 things kind of cooled down on the card & present front, but this year they suddenly picked up again. I guess […]

Progress, and Recognising It

Recovery from chronic mental illness is not as straightforward as some ignorant people seem to think it ought to be. It’s not a straight line, it’s a curly one with ups and downs and swings and roundabouts. Sometimes there are dips, and then I start to feel so hopeless because it’s awful to feel so […]

We Are All Daniel Blake

So I went to the cinema yesterday with my partner to see I, Daniel Blake, which is Ken Loach’s new film. It won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival in case you didn’t already know that. Please go and see it if you haven’t already, it’s a really great film and portrays what […]

Volunteer Training and Mental Ill-Health

At the moment I am in the process of a training progamme for my new volunteer job, which is a project that is jointly run between the school of Medicine and the school of Law at my university to provide free legal and health advice to homeless people in the city. I’m super excited to […]

Discours préélectoral de Monsieur Douréver président du parti Utopia – B2

C’est avec un immense plaisir que je m’addresse á vous aujourd-hui – It is with great pleasure that I speak to you all today. Mis sur pied – prepared Faire d’une pierre plusieurs coups – French equivalent of to kill two birds with one stone Épargner – to save (money) Balayer – to wipe out/to […]

Recevoir des amis á diner – B1

Exquis – Exquisitive/delicious Verser – to pour

B2 – Le Subjonctif – Apres Une Conjonction

Conjunctions for subjunctive: Pour que Afin que En attendant que Jusqu’á ce que Avant que Bien que Quoique Pourvu que Á condition que En supposant que Á moins que Sans que

B2 – La Concordance des Temps á l’Indicatif

Corrections: Il décidera probablement qu’il fait trop froid pour s’entrainer en dehors. J’ai entendu á la radio qu’il allait pleuvoir demain toute la journée. Nous voyons bien qu’il n’a pas fait le travail que nous lui avions demandé. Elles avaient dit qu’elles avaient réussi leur examen, mais ce n’était pas vrai. Elle m’a raconté qu’elle était arrivée en Australie. …et que les gens la-bas […]

Aller au Restaurant 3 – Vocab – B1

Le service, est-il inclus/est-il compris? – Is the service included (in the bill)? Une carte de crédit – A credit card Inclure – to include Le note – the bill